Since 2016
Does it work?
It absolutely works! I know you are probably rather discouraged right now! This is either a new challenge you are facing OR a previous solution has stopped working for you. Whichever it is, you will be amazed at this simple but effective answer to every man’s worst nightmare! Alprostadil will get you results you’ve only ever dreamed of!
Use 1 ML 1/2 inch Insulin syringes gauge 29-31, sterile water for injection or bacteriostatic water, and alcohol swabs as per included instructions and Instructional Video (all of which are available at most pharmacies and online).
Our BiMix which us an upscale version of Alprostadil/Caverject. Users say BiMix is more natural feeling a d us more comfortable comes in three individual containers so it doesn’t need to be frozen or refrigerated while in transit. Once mixed it stays stronger longer if refrigerated.
Check out this Instructional Video